Employment Notice No. 003/2024 Dated: 24.12.2024
(The link for ONLINE application shall be open w.e.f. 24.12.2024)
Last Date of receipt of applications: 23.01.2025
Online applications are invited from the eligible Indian citizens for the following Teaching positions to be filled up on Regular basis:
Academic Pay Matrix Level:
- Professor : Academic Level-14 Rs. 1,44,200/- to Rs.2,18,200/-
- Associate Professor : Academic Level-13A Rs. 1,31,400/- to Rs. 2,17,100/-
- Assistant Professor : Academic Level-10 Rs. 57,700/- to Rs.1,82,400/-
- The eligibility shall be ascertained strictly on the basis of Academic/Research Score obtained as per the provisions contained under UGC Regulations, 2018 subject to fulfilling all the essential eligibility criteria as mentioned for Direct Recruitment for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. However, as per UGC Amendment Regulations, 2021, the Ph.D. Degree shall not be mandatory qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor in Departments of the Universities. The Posts advertised against ‘Lien Vacancy’ are up to lien being maintained by the incumbent and in case the lien is extended for a specified period, currency of the vacancy shall also be extended till such time. However, in the event of repatriation of the incumbent maintaining the lien, the appointment made against the lien vacancy shall stand terminated forthwith.
Application Processing Fee:
Sl. No. | Category | Application/ Processing fee (Rs.) | Examination fee (RS.) | Total fee (RS.) |
1. | UR/OBC(NCL)/EWS | 250/- | 1500/- | 1750/- |
2. | SC/ST/PwD/Women Candidates (all categories) | -Nil- | 1500/- | 1500/- |