The candidate should deposit Rs.2000/- as processing fee through State Bank Collect(click here to pay online).
Keep a soft copy of your Passport Size Photograph (Maximum dimension of 300×400 px. and size of 50kB), to upload with the form.?
Go to New Registration link and fill all the required fields (Please remember the details and do not disclose to others.)
First register your self by clicking on ‘Register to apply Online’ with SB Collect Reference No. (Provided by the Bank) then login to apply
In case the marks are in Grade convert to equivalent percentage for 10th and +2 and write 1st class / 2nd class / 3rd class.
After submitting the form successfully, take a print out of the Form, staple attested copies of your photographs along with all relevant documents send it to The Chairman P.G. Council, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla- 768019, Dist.Sambalpur, Odisha. The envolope must be superscribed as “Application for Ph.D. Admission into Course Subject and Index No._____”. The other copy of the Form should be with the Student.
Admit card for Entrance/Viva must be downloaded from user login.
After submitting the form successfully, you can edit your form up to 24 hours. After that your form will be treated as final.