Vacancy :Assam Job: Grade-III- Non-Technical Posts

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The Online application form shall be available from 05/01/2025 to 16/01/2025 till 11:59 PM. at the
official website of the Directorate of Medical Education, Assam i.e.

In addition and in partial modification of advertisement vide No.DME/Recruitment/23/2023/20331,
Dated: 01/02/2023, online applications are invited from the citizens of India as defined under
Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India for filling up of 765 nos of vacancies of different Grade-
III (Non-Technical) posts in different Medical College and Hospitals as well as Dental College,
Nursing College, Paramedical Institutes etc. of the State under the establishment of the Directorate
of Medical Education, Assam. The number of posts mentioned is indicative only and may
vary at the time of final selection on either side.

The Online application form shall be available from 05/01/2025 to 16/01/2025 till 11:59 PM. at the
official website of the Directorate of Medical Education, Assam i.e.
Candidates who had already applied for various Grade-III (Non-Technical) posts vide
advertisement No.DME/Recruitment/23/2023/20331, Dated: 01/02/2023 need not apply again.
However, those who had applied earlier for different Grade-III (Non-Technical) posts, their
candidature shall now be considered as per this advertisement.

Eligibility Criteria & other details:
The statement showing the name of post, requisite qualification, Scale of Pay with Grade Pay and
other allowances as admissible as per ROP, 2017 rules, of the above mentioned posts are
shown below:

  • Dietician
  • Librarian
  • Scientific Assistant
  • Accountant
  • Cashier
  • Health Educator
  • Steno Cum Computer Operator
  • Health Educator cum Sanitary Inspector etc

  1. Eligibility Criteria:
    The candidates must possess valid Employment Exchange Registration Certificate of the State
    of Assam.
    The category-wise age limit as on 01-01-2024 is as under :- (except those who applied as per
    the earlier advertisement).
    Sl. Category Minimum age Maximum age
    No. (in years) (in years)
    1 UNRESERVED 18 40
    2 OBC / MOBC 18 43
    3 SC/ ST 18 45
    4 PWD 18 50
  3. APPLICATION FEE: No fee is required to be paid.
  4. Selection Process:
    i) Selection process shall be notified in the official website of the Directorate of Medical Education,
    Assam ( in due course of time.
    ii) Group-wise merit lists will be prepared and selected candidates will be provisionally appointed
    against any of the posts in the group as advertised.
  5. Reservation of posts:
    i) All constitutional reservation of posts will be as per prevailing Government rules / norms.
    ii) The reservation of posts for women (RFW) and Person with Disability (PwD) will be as per
    prevailing Government rules/ norms.
    Intending candidates are to check the official website of the Directorate of Medical Education,
    Assam ( for terms & conditions and other criteria of the recruitment
    process which will be published in due course of time.

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Assam Tribune : 28/12/2024 (Saturday)

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